Hi there,
I've installed Limesurvey in Azure in an Azure VM with this configuration:
- Centos 7.9.2009
- PHP 7.4.29 (php-cli php-fpm php-common php-mbstring php-xml php-mysql php-gd php-zip php-ldap php-imap php-sqlsrv)
- Apache 2.4.6
- Limesurvey version 5.3.14+220516
- Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server (Linux): msodbcsql17
- DB: Azure SQL Server
The installation process was successful, including the DB configuration and the initial table creation (with lime_* prefix) but everytime I confirm changes (for example: after creating a survey or a question) I get this error:
CDbCommand falló al ejecutar la sentencia SQL: SQLSTATE[42000]: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]A column has been specified more than once in the order by list. Columns in the order by list must be unique.. The SQL statement executed was: SELECT [answers].[aid] AS [t1_c0], [answers].[qid] AS [t1_c1], [answers].[sortorder] AS [t1_c3], [answers].[assessment_value] AS [t1_c4], [answers].[scale_id] AS [t1_c5] FROM [dbo].[lime_answers] [answers] WHERE ([answers].[qid]=:ypl0) ORDER BY sortorder, code, [answers].[sortorder] ASC. Bound with :ypl0='7'
<?php eT('Question summary'); ?>
<em><?= $question->title; ?></em>
(ID: <?php echo (int) $question->qid;?>;)
<div class="row">
<?php $this->renderPartial(
'question' => $question,
'questionTheme' => $questionTheme,
'answersCount' => count($question->answers),
'subquestionsCount' => count($question->subquestions),
'advancedSettings' => $advancedSettings
); ?>
<?php if (Permission::model()->hasSurveyPermission($survey->sid, 'surveycontent', 'update')): ?>
<div id="survey-action-title" class="pagetitle h3"><?php eT('Question quick actions'); ?></div>
<div class="row welcome survey-action">
<div class="col-lg-12 content-right">
<!-- create question in this group -->
<div class="col-lg-3">
As far as I can see, the actions are executed successfuly (if I list the surveys and the questions I can see the element created even i got that error), but I always get that error. I don't know what is wrong. I suppose this is related to the type of DB used, but, is there any solution?
Thanks in advance,