Community Edition Version 5.3.10+220419 Apache 2.4 running on Windows Server 2016. PHP 7.4
I have configured LS to send invitation and confirmation emails with SMTP to It is working reliably, but I have a question about something I saw yesterday. I know and understand relatively little about how SMTP works.
When I sent about 500 invitations, I got an error from Gmail that said there had been too many logins in a short period of time. I waited an hour or so and was able to send the rest of the invitations.
I SMTP debug mode to Always. When I sent a batch of email reminders, I could see that the SMTP connection is closed after sending 1 email, and then immediately re-opened to send the next email.
Is this the correct behavior? I expected it to open the SMTP connection, send multiple emails, and then close the connection.
SMTP Encryption is StartTLS.
Email batch size is 50, and the sending rate is 60.