Nothing to be confused about. There are different versions of Windows out there and people all use them.
And if you look into the forum, there are people that still run very, very old versions of Limesurvey (just saw someone with 2.05...), but those are all deprecated, they don't receive any support, bug fixes, security updates. etc. This is certainly not a good idea and given that Limesurvey is free and you don't have to pay a license fee when you install a new version or upgrade, there are very few reasons to stay with such old versions.
Now both version that you mention, LS 3.x LTS and LS 5.x are "current" and supported, which means they receive security updates, etc. Why is that? Because otherwise Limesurvey would never move forward. When it comes to survey software, some people prefer a certain "stability" and thus stick with the older version for a while.
So generally the "old" version will turn into a LTS (long term support) version that usually doesn't receive any new features, but only security updates, bug fixes, etc. while the new version is developed in parallel. Even when new versions are declared stable, the definitions of stable might vary among different people. Some move on to the newest version quickly to use the new features, while others prefer to stay a little longer with the older version, for stability reasons.
But LS 5 is out for quite a while now and I think it is OK to use it in production now. LS 3.x will be phased out soon. So if you are planning to make a new install, I would go for LS 5.x, because from what I understand, LS 3.x will only be supported until the end of this year. Then you would have to move on to LS 5 anyway. So I think in your situation I would personally go with LS 5 over LS 3.