I tried to export a survey from the lime survey cloud (Versie 3.27.19) to the community version (5.1.17). But when I trie to import a lss or lsa file I get the error: Het attribuut "SurveyLanguageSetting.surveyls_legal_notice" is niet gedefinieerd.When I check my surveys, I see corrupt surveys. When I click: I get the error Selected Surveys language not found
Can someone help me? We are using DUTCH as language.
I recommend to open a bug ticket.
The "Survey legal notice" field is only availble in the LimeSurvey Cloud.
We will see more and more difference between the Community and Cloud version.
So certain bugs and issues will only be seen by a subset of users.
A workaround approach is often to the remove the setting from the LSS-export with a texteditor.
Here, what you have to remove from the lss file: <fieldname>surveyls_legal_notice</fieldname>
And additionally you may remove these rows. <fieldname>showdatapolicybutton</fieldname>
But here you get only a warning that the buttons were not imported.
And it is obviously a bug.
In Community version 3.27.17 I could import this file without any issue.
So while version 3.x seems to be able to ignore this discrepancy, version 5.x is not.
Volunteers are not paid.
Not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless
I was not able to reproduce the problem.
I exported lss and lsa files from LS5/LS3 cloud to LS5 Community edition and in all cases the additional properties were ignored.