Dear all,
i'm trying to configure the LDAP plugin.
I doesn't work.
The situation is :
LDAP domain (MS) , named miodominio.local
I set LDAP Version2 , Search and Bind
I set the BASE DN : OU=LimeSurvey,DC=miodominio,DC=local
I set the extra LDAP filter, because Agents are LDAP users with a specific AD Group (in my case: SurveyAgents) (&;(cn=SurveyAgents)(memberUid=$username))
My Directory doesn't support anonymous query, so I created a service account user. This was set in the two fileds "LDAP account used ... "
At the end, I created a new LimeSurvey user, with the same username of the directory (without suffix @miodominio.local ).....