Hey there,
i wanted to conduct a survey including two groups i need to randomize. Both groups will have to answer the same questions, but the stimulus material will diver between the groups.
My question is, if its possible to randomize the people to one or the other group via one link. So the contestens have to click the link an will be redirected to one or the other conditions/group.
Do i have to make two surveys but with different stimulus material and run them over one link/URL (is that even possible?) or should i insert a randomization for the pictures - and there would be the question how can i do this? Thanks a lot in advance!
You can do that within the same survey. There are plenty of examples here in the forum, I currently don't have time to post a detailed explanation. but here the rough approach:
Create a hidden equation question where you generate a random number.
This hidden random number will be used to hide/show questions, via relevance equation.
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Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.