We try to work 2 people on the same project so we share the tasks and I' trying to import group. With drop down list it worked fine, but with array number the data from columns and rows are not present. Is there any setting I forgot or any solution to work 2 people on the same project. I attached how it looks on lime, and group question from drop down and array number.
Sorry, so after I imported the group I don't see the value from underline in the survey. The name for the rows and columns are not present. On the 03.06.2020_value.png is the value filled/ named of columns|rows.
Version 4.1.8+200302
But I will try tommorow to work 2 people on the same projetct. Thanks
I encounter again another issue with this LimeSurvey Version 4.1.8+200302. When I tried to add or delete condition from Condition designer the application get blocked.
So just after I push the add or delete button the website page get blanck and I have to reopen the browser.
Could be this be an user issue or is the application. I thing user management isn't because I saw that the request is being made after reopen the Limesurvey.
Sorry to ask again but is a production environment and probably we will need to put a lower version of application as you suggest, but out of business hour and I want to be sure.
I have another question. For that survey I m trying to sent to more people a survey. The survey needs to be acces multiple time by the same person. I tried to use from Survey participants --> Invitation and reminder and when I tried to send the mail I encounter the below warning (attached the print). I also generate an access code and still the same issue.
Also for previous question I will upgrade the version but after I finish this survey. Thanks
I talked with Windows Server/Outlook administration and it seems was a problem that I put on Sender an email group email address (which contains more people) not a singular adress ( for just one person). After I put on General Setings --> Administrator email address an address not being group address it work fine.
I encounter a situation where I have a survey with more than 170 drop down list.
In each one it's around 10 or 15 items. All the items I inserted manually from Excel and now I want to check if the information from Excel I inserted correctly on items of list drop down list.
It's any way to export that information of my structure on excel or in mysql because if I wanna check via Responses button I would have to submit 170 surveys.
All that inforamation from yellow I want to double check with Excel. I want to export it in a SQL or Excel if its possible.