I'm trying to upgrade my Limesurvey Version 3.22.11 to Version 4.1.0.
Sadly I get an error by trying to upgrade the database under #URL/index.php/admin/databaseupdate/sa/db/continue/yes
The error says:
RecursiveDirectoryIterator::__construct(upload/themes/question): failed to open dir: No such file or directory
Datei updatedb_helper.php, Zeile 3047.
The german description of that error says "Ein Fehler trat während des Datenbankupdates auf. Fehlerinformation:", that says "There was an error during the database upgrade. Information of the error:".
Thing is, in my installation i got the following in my upload-folder:
#ls limesurvey/upload/themes/
> survey
So there's really only one folder called survey in there. The "question" folder that seems to be missing isn't available. When I create an emtpy folder, the error message displays anyway and the database-upgrade can't be finished.
What changes do I have to make on my installation to be able to finish the upgrade?
Thank you very much for your response and help.
All the best