Looks like you have to edit the translation file.
Download the translation files as *.po
At the bottom of the page you find the export button.
And for portuguese just change the language code in the link to "pt".
Edit them with "PoEdit" (you may download this here
Save (the needed *.mo file is created, too
Store the *.mo file into the correct folder of your installation.
And now the easy way:
Or you do the following. Something I wrote 5 months ago.
How do you invite your respondents?
If it is a closed survey with a token table you may set the language in the participant table.
If it is a open survey and the respondents click a general link, you may offer two links with your two languages.
Or only distribute one link only in Portugal, the other in Brazil.
Or create simple HTML page which explains something and the respondents click one of the links which directs to the survey with the selected language.
So there are a few other options with removed language changer from the survey.