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Some issues after Installation like CPDB cannot add particpants to surveys

  • popres
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4 years 11 months ago #195135 by popres

I've installed LimeSurvey 4.1.8 on two Linux servers (Debian) and have issues on both. I have no idea what's going wrong and are looking forward getting some support.
  1. In the JS console I get a lot of debugging messages like from "AdminCore" (lslog.js). Is this normal?
  2. Some assets LimeSurvey is looking for does not exist, like
    It seems some functionality is missing due to this. I've set the directory and file permissions as described in the manual . But the files not found are not existing in the directories. Went there something wrong with the installation? All files of the downloaded and extracted zip archive got copied into the web server directory.
  3. When I open up the file manager of LimeSurvey, the following error message occurs for some seconds on the page:
    An error has occured and the file list could not be loaded: Error: You don't have permission to this folder
    In the console the following errors occurs:
    jquery-3.4.1.min.js:2 GET https://dellpet110/limesurvey2/index.php/admin/filemanager?sa=getFileList&Y…NlZyUjaDWHuVIhWSZnDKZJ2PN1wEzLyeRsyLBCY9wifvlFKiSA%3D%3D&surveyid=&folder= 500 (Internal Server Error)
    ConsoleShim.js:131 FileManager 
    {success: false, error: "Internal Server Error", data: {}, transferStatus: "error", xhr: {}}
    success: false
    error: "Internal Server Error"
    data: {success: false, message: "You don't have permission to this folder", error: {}}
    transferStatus: "error"
    xhr: {readyState: 4, getResponseHeader: ƒ, getAllResponseHeaders: ƒ, setRequestHeader: ƒ, overrideMimeType: ƒ,}
    __proto__: Object
  4. I am not able to add participants out of the CPDB to a survey. If I try so, the mapping page gets displayed, but I cannot map anything. The following message appears on top of the page:
    There are no unmapped attributes
    Every section is empty. In the console the following error occurs:
    GET https://dellpet110/limesurvey2/themes/admin/Sea_Green/images//ajax-loader.gif 404 (Not Found)
    I did not change anything in the theme. If I click the button "Continue" at the bottom, the following error occurs in a modal titled "Map participant attributes":
    Error: Could not copy attributes to participants: file /var/www/html/limesurvey2/application/models/Participant.php, line 1755;
    Please fix the following input errors:
    Invalid email address.

It seems some files are missing in the LimeSurvey directory, but I do not know why. I use limesurvey4.1.8+200302.zip from the Stable Release page . The folder access is set as described in the manual for a self-managed system. The installation process had green checkmarks for every library etc and no errors where displayed, it seemed everything worked fine, but it seems there are just some files missing or not accessible.

I hope you can help me with this.
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4 years 11 months ago - 4 years 11 months ago #195277 by popres

I've tried to use the LTS version 3.21.6 to see if everything is working there, but there I have other but similar issues. E.g. I cannot add answers to questions as the answer.js is not found. It seems whatever I try there are files missing / not built in /tmp/... But even if I look in the source code of v4 I can see there are files loaded like spectrum.js which are not existing on the given source path, so how could they be copied over to /tmp/... (but I am not common with FS or yii).

Setup works fine, no warnings whatsoever, all php-libs are installed, folders are accessible, but I don't get LimeSurvey working fine on two different debian servers (Debian + nginx, and Debian + Apache2) and even my local system for testing purpose (Manjaro).
Last edit: 4 years 11 months ago by popres.
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4 years 11 months ago #195295 by tpartner
In application/config/config.php, set debug to 1 or 2 and see if there are errors.

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4 years 11 months ago #195391 by popres
Thanks for your reply. I've already tried that, but no error messages are appearing, e.g. when I try to add participants from the CPDB to a survey, except for the warning "There are no unmapped attributes" which gets also displayed if debug=0.
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4 years 9 months ago #198975 by MPichinelli84
Hi, I've the same issue, someone know why that happens?
Thank you!
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4 years 5 months ago #204829 by palmin

I have the same issue as the OP, namely that adding participants from the CPDB to a survey doesn't work. The symptoms are the same as described above:

* Empty mapping page
* Error message
Error: Could not copy attributes to participants: file /var/www/html/application/models/Participant.php, line 1755;
Please fix the following input errors:
    Invalid email address.

Does anyone have an idea how to fix this?

This is running LimeSurvey Version 4.3.5
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4 years 5 months ago #204852 by holch
To be honest, LS 4.x has still too many bugs to use it in production. I would recommend LS 3.x LTS for productive use.

Now regarding your problem:

Have you checked the invalid email address?

If there is no invalid email address, then update to the lastes version and see if the problem persisits (today this would be 4.3.14). If so, please file a bug report.

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Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
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4 years 5 months ago #204860 by palmin
Yes, the email addresses are valid, the problem is already that the mapping screen looks like it's not working...

Right now, we can't update to a newer version, but I have seen this issue also in an older build.
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4 years 5 months ago #204864 by holch
Then I would create a bug report.

Help us to help you!
  • Provide your LS version and where it is installed (own server, uni/employer, SaaS hosting, etc.).
  • Always provide a LSS file (not LSQ or LSG).
Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
The following user(s) said Thank You: DenisChenu
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4 years 3 months ago #208447 by georgefong
I think the issue is in relation to the attribution settings in the Central Participant Database. You will find that there are several fields that are encrypted. I turned encryption off on the email address and this then allowed me to add the participant to the survey.

My concern is whether the data in the database is actually then encrypted. One would assume not given that the encryption is turned off.

Is there not a way that we can pass the data on from the Central Participant Database to a specific survey and maintain encryption and access to the data from administrators?
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4 years 3 months ago #208461 by DenisChenu

georgefong wrote: …
Is there not a way that we can pass the data on from the Central Participant Database to a specific survey and maintain encryption and access to the data from administrators?

holch wrote: Then I would create a bug report.

So am I

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