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A way to allow iframe survey with different domain in limesurvey v3

  • priza
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4 years 11 months ago #194578 by priza
we had an iframe for surveys in different domains. since the last update (after 3.18) the iframed survey gives 400error.
looking through forums and also this bug report: bugs.limesurvey.org/view.php?id=9634

we tried solutions in config.php but nothing worked. can somebody help?
thanx in advance

debug code:
Ήταν αδύνατη η επαλήθευση του συμβόλου CSRF.
1367             if (!empty($maskedUserToken) && $cookies->contains($this->csrfTokenName))
1368             {
1369                 $securityManager=Yii::app()->getSecurityManager();
1370                 $maskedCookieToken=$cookies->itemAt($this->csrfTokenName)->value;
1371                 $cookieToken=$securityManager->unmaskToken($maskedCookieToken);
1372                 $userToken=$securityManager->unmaskToken($maskedUserToken);
1373                 $valid=$cookieToken===$userToken;
1374             }
1375             else
1376                 $valid = false;
1377             if (!$valid)
1378                 throw new CHttpException(400,Yii::t('yii','The CSRF token could not be verified.'));
1379         }
1380     }
1383     /**
1384      * Returns the version of the HTTP protocol used by client.
1385      *
1386      * @return string the version of the HTTP protocol.
1387      * @since 1.1.16
1388      */
1389     public function getHttpVersion()
1390     {
Stack Trace
 /home/prorataonlinesur/public_html/framework/base/CComponent.php(561): CHttpRequest->validateCsrfToken(CEvent)
 /home/prorataonlinesur/public_html/framework/base/CApplication.php(212): CComponent->raiseEvent("onbeginrequest", CEvent)
 /home/prorataonlinesur/public_html/framework/base/CApplication.php(183): CApplication->onBeginRequest(CEvent)
/home/prorataonlinesur/public_html/index.php(194): CApplication->run()
189 require_once APPPATH . 'core/LSYii_Application' . EXT;
191 $config = require_once(APPPATH . 'config/internal' . EXT);
193 Yii::$enableIncludePath = false;
194 Yii::createApplication('LSYii_Application', $config)->run();
196 /* End of file index.php */
197 /* Location: ./index.php */
2020-02-25 15:28:21 Apache Yii Framework/1.1.22-dev
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