a survey was running without any problem until we updated from version 3.5.0 (build 180309) to version 3.21.5+200115. Now when a token is introduced the next error appears:
500: Internal Server Error
Call to a member function getErrors() on null
Here are the things that I noticed:
>If I deactivate the survey and activate it again, importing the old answers and tokens, the tokens work correctly the first time, afterwards the same error rises.
>There are some of the tokens that work correctly but there are many that do not.
> If I create a very simple survey with just two input text questions the problem rises when I hit the buttum "submit" at the end of the survey.
>Other older surveys do not show any problem
Here is the html when setting debug mode = 2
Call to a member function getErrors() on null
/var/www/html/<server web address>.com/public_html/application/helpers/expressions/em_manager_helper.php(5585)
5573 {
5574 $aResponseAttributes[$key] = stripCtrlChars($val);
5575 }
5576 }
5578 if (isset($_SESSION[$this->sessid]) && $this->surveyOptions)
5579 {
5580 $oResponse = Response::model($this->sid)->findByPk($_SESSION[$this->sessid]);
5581 //If the responses already have been submitted once they are marked as completed already, so they shouldn't be changed.
5582 if ($oResponse->submitdate == null || Survey::model()->findByPk($this->sid)->alloweditaftercompletion == 'Y') {
5583 $iCountUpdated = Response::model($this->sid)->updateByPk($oResponse->id,$aResponseAttributes);
5584 if (!$iCountUpdated) {
5585 $message = submitfailed('', print_r($response->getErrors())); // $response->getErrors() is array[string[]], then can not join
5587 $message .= CHTml::errorSummary($response,$this->gT('Error on response update')); // Add SQL error according to debugLevel
5588 }
5589 LimeExpressionManager::addFrontendFlashMessage('error', $message, $this->sid);
5590 } else {
5591 // Action in case its saved with success : to be move in Response::aferSave ?
5592 // Save Timings if needed
5593 if ($this->surveyOptions) {
5594 Yii::import("application.libraries.Save");
5595 $cSave = new Save();
5596 $cSave->set_answer_time();
5597 }
Stack Trace
– /var/www/html/<server web address>.com/public_html/application/helpers/expressions/em_manager_helper.php(5799): LimeExpressionManager->_UpdateValuesInDatabase()
5794 }
5795 else
5796 {
5797 // display new group
5798 if(!$preview){ // Save only if not in preview mode
5799 $message .= $LEM->_UpdateValuesInDatabase();
5800 $LEM->runtimeTimings[] = array(__METHOD__,(microtime(true) - $now));
5801 }
5802 $LEM->lastMoveResult = array(
5803 'finished'=>false,
5804 'message'=>$message,
– /var/www/html/<server web address>.com/public_html/application/helpers/SurveyRuntimeHelper.php(817): LimeExpressionManager::JumpTo(0, false, false)
812 // Do it only if needed : we don't need it if we don't have index
813 if (isset($_SESSION[$this->LEMsessid]) && $_SESSION[$this->LEMsessid] > $_SESSION[$this->LEMsessid] && $this->aSurveyInfo) {
814 LimeExpressionManager::JumpTo($_SESSION[$this->LEMsessid], false, false);
815 }
817 $this->aMoveResult = LimeExpressionManager::JumpTo($_SESSION[$this->LEMsessid], false, false); // if late in the survey, will re-validate contents, which may be overkill
819 unset($_SESSION[$this->LEMsessid]);
820 } else if (!$this->LEMskipReprocessing) {
822 //Move current step ###########################################################################
– /var/www/html/<server web address>.com/public_html/application/helpers/SurveyRuntimeHelper.php(533): SurveyRuntimeHelper->setMoveResult()
528 $this->initFirstStep(); // If it's the first time user load this survey, will init session and LEM
529 $this->initTotalAndMaxSteps();
530 $this->checkIfUseBrowserNav(); // Check if user used browser navigation, or relaoded page
531 if ($this->sMove != 'clearcancel' && $this->sMove != 'confirmquota') {
532 $this->checkPrevStep(); // Check if prev step is set, else set it
533 $this->setMoveResult();
534 $this->checkClearCancel();
535 $this->setPrevStep();
536 $this->checkIfFinished();
537 $this->setStep();
+ /var/www/html/<server web address>.com/public_html/application/helpers/SurveyRuntimeHelper.php(105): SurveyRuntimeHelper->initMove()
+ /var/www/html/<server web address>.com/public_html/application/controllers/survey/index.php(590): SurveyRuntimeHelper->run("629575", array("surveyid" => "629575", "thissurvey" => array("htmlemail" => "Y", "format" => "G", "template" => "default", "language" => "en", ...), "thisstep" => 0, "clienttoken" => "diiLiveDE0003", ...))
+ /var/www/html/<server web address>.com/public_html/application/controllers/survey/index.php(24): index->action()
+ /var/www/html/<server web address>.com/public_html/framework/web/actions/CAction.php(76): index->run()
+ /var/www/html/<server web address>.com/public_html/framework/web/CController.php(308): CAction->runWithParams(array("sid" => "629575"))
+ /var/www/html/<server web address>.com/public_html/framework/web/CController.php(286): CController->runAction(index)
+ /var/www/html/<server web address>.com/public_html/framework/web/CController.php(265): CController->runActionWithFilters(index, array())
+ /var/www/html/<server web address>.com/public_html/framework/web/CWebApplication.php(282): CController->run("index")
+ /var/www/html/<server web address>.com/public_html/framework/web/CWebApplication.php(141): CWebApplication->runController("survey/index/sid/629575")
+ /var/www/html/<server web address>.com/public_html/framework/base/CApplication.php(185): CWebApplication->processRequest()
+ /var/www/html/<server web address>.com/public_html/index.php(194): CApplication->run()
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