I created tokens (through creating dummy participants for a survey) and I know from a previous communication I had with your forum.
I entered an email to a dummy participant and sent an invitation. Then I copied the link from the email and I changed the token value with another token from my list but it doesn't work and a message shows up (401: Unauthorized).
I also copied and pasted the token link from the email sent from LS to a word paper and although it works from the email when I click on it in the word paper I cannot enter.
Any ideas why this is happening?
Attached you will find the features I used in this specific survey.
No, token controls will work on deactivated surveys but, in that case, you need to be logged in as an admin in whatever browser you are using to access the survey.
Tony Partner Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.
I'm sorry I cannot debug something that is copied to MS Word. Is the target URL when clicking on the Word doc the same as in when clicking in the email?
Tony Partner Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.