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What connection do you see between .htaccess and AutoSSL (cPanel automatically installing SSLcerts by Comodo or Let's Encrypt)?karencheah wrote: it looks like we've narrowed down to the auto SSL in .htaccess. If we remove .htaccess, we can now access the admin login.
AutoSSL is a set of tools by cPanel. Modifications of htaccess are done on Apache config level (to ensure .well-known is accessible for verification of ownership of a domain to generate ssl cert issued by a CA (Comodo,Let'sEncrypt).DenisChenu wrote: There are no autossl on default .htaccess : github.com/LimeSurvey/LimeSurvey/blob/master/.htaccess
It's really a bad solution to set it on htaccess when we can set it in virual host.jelo wrote:
AutoSSL is a set of tools by cPanel. Modifications of htaccess are done on Apache config level (to ensure .well-known is accessible for verification of ownership of a domain to generate ssl cert issued by a CA (Comodo,Let'sEncrypt).DenisChenu wrote: There are no autossl on default .htaccess : github.com/LimeSurvey/LimeSurvey/blob/master/.htaccess
It's really a bad solution to set it on htaccess when we can set it in virual host.[/quote]cPanel is doing it on the virtual host level. cPanel AutoSSL isn't directly causing the login issue. There is no systematic issue with LimeSurvey under cPanel.DenisChenu wrote: …
Use a Global DCV Passthrough instead of .htaccess modification (requires EA4)
When you enable this option, Apache adds global rewrite rules to the webserver configuration so that the system does not process additional rewrite rules for DCV filenames. These global rules make it unnecessary for cPanel & WHM to modify each virtual host’s .htaccess file. Note: When you enable this option, the system receives a trivial performance penalty because all of the HTTP requests must be matched against the DCV filename regular expressions.
You're absolutely right …jelo wrote: …
Something seems to be wrong with the htaccess file. We don't know the content. We don't know the version of LimeSurvey. We know a bit more than nothing.
I can confirm that. Running Limesurvey on a VPS with Cpanel and no such problems.There is no systematic issue with LimeSurvey under cPanel.