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Sorry it's only an opinion …holch wrote:
Experience of survey respondent is more import than a missing email for the LS user.
DenisChenu wrote:
If the threadstarter described the situation correct, than LimeSurvey is hanging on to send an email to an mailserver, which is not available. The timeout (might be solved via a little NGINX tweak here) then prevents that the respondent can complete the survey.holch wrote: if user think is survey is saved : it MUST be saved. It's really more important .
You're saying: It is more important that LimeSurvey tries to send the email instead of letting the respondent completing the survey.
The Data that someone completed the survey is lost. A redirection is lost.
DenisChenu wrote: But, if you look at bugs.limesurvey.org/my_view_page.php : you see a lot of other error that seems most important , no ?
That would be nice, but will not happen soon. A phpscript alone cannot handle that. The simplest form implementing it, seems to save failed mails into the database and repeat the mailing via cron job. Perhaps PHP7-8 or Yii offer other ways (e.g message brokers) to keep tasks in a background, but currently a fine-tuning of timeout will have to do the trick.holch wrote: These should be fairly separate processes.
I understand but : separate process of sending email and produce page need a complete rewrite of ALL email processholch wrote: @Denis: I feel like you didn't understand our comment. A problem with sending email confirmation should not impact saving the survey data or should not cause the system to look stuck. These should be fairly separate processes. So even if the admin email is not sent because of any problem (which might occur), the data should be still be saved and the survey should finish.