I want to update my limeSurvey 2.06 to 3.13.2 but,
When calling ‘set_survey_properties’ method via xmlrpc in a PHP program, an error is raised :
Fault code: 623
Fault string: Calling parameters do not match signature
I had the same issue when I used 'add_participants' method when I used an associative Array on the parameters '$aParticipantData' but when I use a simple array the issue gone. Unfortunately this solution can't be used for 'set_survey_properties' method
I read the new manual :
but i don’t saw any solution
Here the code:
(the survey is all ready created with id pass on $survey variable)
$webServiceUrl = $this->container->getParameter('webServiceUrl');
$limesurvey_login = $this->container->getParameter('limesurvey_login');
$limesurvey_password = $this->container->getParameter('limesurvey_password');
$client = new Client($webServiceUrl);
$sessionKey = $client->call('get_session_key', array($limesurvey_login, $limesurvey_password));
$newSurveyId = intval($survey);
$dataBegin = "2013-01-01 00:00:00";
$dataEnd = "2013-01-01 00:00:00";
$aSurveyData = array('startdate' => $dataBegin, 'expires' => $dataEnd);
client->call('set_survey_properties', array($sessionKey, $newSurveyId, $aSurveyData));
LimeSurvey Version : 3.13.2+180709
Webserver software & version : Apache/2.4.33
PHP Version : 7.2.5
OS : Windows 7
best Regards