My first entry here, as I am new to Limesurvey installations/upgrading. But I am faced with the following: we have an install with version 2.57.1, that's been running for a year or so. But we've been thinking that the postponed upgrades might be direly needed, perhaps also from security point of view.
Can problems be expected if we'd upgrade to the latest version 3.9.0?
With surveys (and their data) currently present in the old install.
I have seen the
That gives some info (though still: I have not performed a limesurvey upgrade myself before; and our host only hosts; does not/cannot do upgrades - not my choice, but I didn't work here yet when that decision was made).
But I'd like to be sure no existing surveys will be broken in the process. So many changes have been made since version 2.57.1...
Is it even advisable to do such an upgrade, or are there no great problems to be expected?
Of course the existing surveys are important for the respective programs using them.