We have several survey administrators and they see the update message every time they log in.
Is there a way to limit this check and message to "superadministrators" only ?
Dear Louis,
This is not the question, I do update following the LTS branch but I still have the message that I can upgrade.
I do not want to switch to V3 now on this server and I do not want the survey admins to see these messages.
To be clear, survey admins are not in charge in updating the application, this profile is dedicated to creating surveys and managing them.
Now, superadmins are in charge of updating the application and maintaining the system up and running. Only this profile should see the system messages.
How can I turn this filtering on ?
If I need to edit a script somewhere, no problem
Thanks Louis,
Thanks for the suggestion.
I understand your point but then we should distinguish update and upgrade.
I definitely agree on the update, not on the upgrade.
Do I need to fill in a suggestion ?
I agree for the difference between update and upgrade.
We'll rewrite the comfortUpdate soon, to make it compatible with the comming new LimeSurvey Extensions Shops: it will be possible to use it to install themes, components, plugins, label sets, survey templates, etc... and to keep them up to date.