I have just set up a new install - Version 3.6.2+180406
Tried to create a template - so Admin > Configuration > Themes > Entend Friuty and called it kwd_1
Now I am in Template editor: kwd_1 but clicking the button: "Copy to local template and save changes" has no effect.
I tried it in the online LimeSurvey demo and this creates a file and next to the Screen part files: it states "local" but on my server nothign changes, it still stales "inherited"
What can be stopping my local verison being created/saved in my extened template?
For a quick work around, as I need to show this to a client tomorrow, I was going to manually create the files and upload via ftp - where do I store them?
So I bet on a problem of the max post size of the server config.
No, I do not believe this.
If a button works in 3.6.1. and after updating to 3.6.2. it is absolutely dead (without function) without any changes in the server configuration there is obviously something else.
The same happened when new installing 3.6.2.
So, please have a look at this.
Best regards
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