I did some searching on the forum and found a solution for conditionally sending email notifications to an email address based on the answer to a question from within the survey. However, when I try to nest the statements, I can't get it to work. Here's the situation...
I have a question (code: dropdown) that has a list of names. Depending on which name is selected, I need that individual to receive an email notification on submission.
This works: {if(dropdown.code=="A1","email1@test.com","")}
But when I try to nest the if statements for multiple possible recipients, it doesn't work. Here is what I have:
Not only does the recipient for A2 not receive anything, but not even the recipient for A1. Any thoughts as to why the nested statements don't work?
The curly braces are a problem because it indicates a new expression to start (without closing the previous one), which is not what you want to do. It is still the same expression, just with a nested "if" statement.
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Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.