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Clear and change the answer in a 5 or 10 pint array

6 years 10 months ago #166653 by Fence
Hi All,
This is my first post.
I have searched extensively through FAQ, Lime Survey Manual and on the Forum, but cannot find an relevant answer.

This is what I am trying to achieve.
On the "Y" axis I have a list which shows the varying levels of school.
On the "X" axis it the number 1 - 5, as per the uploaded image.

When a participant accidentally selects a radio button, "lets say 2", under Primary School and they now wish to change to High School, there is no way to clear the answer from the Primary School line.

I have tried Multiple Numerical Input, with a default of "0", whilst this works, it is not ideal.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.


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6 years 10 months ago #166655 by holch
Only chance that I see is to use the solution with another column for "0" and make this one the default answer. You could make the questions even mandatory when using this solution.

You can't un-click a sub-question with radio buttons, once it was clicked. So either you go for the additional zero (or "not applicable" or whatever), or you use an multiple-answer type of question (check boxes) and limit the maximum number of answers to 1.

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6 years 10 months ago #166656 by Fence
Hey Holch,
Thanks for your quick reply.
On most of the questions I have gone to multiple options to add numbers etc.
When I can work out the code to add a clear option for the Array 5 and 10 point I will definitely put it up in the forum.
One again thank you for your reply.

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6 years 10 months ago #166657 by holch
I am not necessarily referring to multiple answer option.

I think adding one additional answer option to your array (a column with "0" just to the left of "1") would solve your problem. Just to make sure this is clear.

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6 years 10 months ago #166662 by Joffm
So, you want to say for all children (1-6) the current school level.
According to your chart you have to use "array by columns", because you want to get ONE click in each column.

But you will run into trouble beause its difficult to show only three columns if there are only three children, etc.
IMO there is a workaround here, but I am not sure. (I will have e look)

The easiest way to do it:
Switch x-axis and y-axis, so the schol level is displayed horizontally.
Then you can display the rows (children) according to their number by a relevance equation.


Attached sample surve with both options.

File Attachment:

File Name: limesurvey...1175.lss
File Size:25 KB

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6 years 10 months ago #166665 by jelo

holch wrote: You can't un-click a sub-question with radio buttons, once it was clicked.

Which is the default behaviour since the beginning of HTML. But I have seen survey packaged which offer a setting to override this behaviour and allow to remove answers from radio buttons.

A feature request "deselectable radio buttons" might be a good idea.
There was a workaround thread some years ago.

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6 years 10 months ago #166693 by tpartner
If the x-scale is the number of children in a particular level, you can use an array-numbers-checkboxes with question validation to ensure only one answer per row. This question type allows un-checking of answers.

So, for example, the image below shows a respondent with one child in pre-school and two in primary.

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6 years 10 months ago #166723 by holch
Joffm brought up a good point. I had interpreted the x scale as "number of kids in a particular type of school". But it could also be "Child 1", "Child 2", "Child 3". In this case you could just go with Joffm's suggestion to use array by column or just switch the x and y axis.

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Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
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