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Enabling progress bar for a custom template

7 years 1 day ago #164673 by timdc
I've updated to 2.67 last summer, coming from a version that was already about 3 years old. Everything works fine, however I have now discovered that my template does not have a progress bar anymore. It's not in the html source code, so it does not seem a css or js problem with the display. The progress toggle button is turned on for this survey. Before this update, I'm pretty sure there was a progress bar in this template. When I change the template of the survey to the default one, then the progress bar comes up again and works fine.

So somewhere in the process of updating Limesurvey version and adjusting my custom template, I must have done something that removed the progress bar. But I have no idea what might have caused this, or how I could bring it back. I have been looking through the files of my custom template and the default template, but I can't find any references to this progress bar.

Any suggestions on where to look?

Version 2.67.1+170626
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7 years 1 day ago - 7 years 1 day ago #164677 by holch
First of all: the 2.x version of Limesurvey that you are using has changed its template system and therefore templates from old versions usually do not work with this version. So you most probably will encounter a lot more problems than just a missing progress bar. I am suprised that your old template works at all.

Now you do not seem to be a friend of regular updates, with a version that is already quite a few months old. I would highly recommend to at least update to the latest version of the 2.x branch.

However, before you start to work on a new custom template that will work correctly with your 2.x branch, here some news: This branch has been discontinued and will not receive updates and bug fixes anymore, since the 3.x branch has been published. And there is another change (hopefully the last for a long time) in the template system. So before you spend time to create a custom template that works with your 2.x installation I would highly recommend to install and test 3.x and create your new custom template based on the new templating engine in 3.x, because it will be a lot more future proof.

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  • Provide your LS version and where it is installed (own server, uni/employer, SaaS hosting, etc.).
  • Always provide a LSS file (not LSQ or LSG).
Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
Last edit: 7 years 1 day ago by holch.
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