hi, I have two surveys running and I have had complaints that people trying to complete them are only getting so far before they cannot go any further and it is restarting them.
I have changed this in the config-defaults.php file > $config = 60 * 10;
But still, people are complaining.
I am not using tokens, I am not using Cookies to prevent repeated entries, no CAPTCHA and Participant may save and resume later: is "on"
PHP info is attached.
What else can I do to stop people being thrown out and having to restart?
Change the php settings to extend the session time.
Currently it is the default value:
session.gc_maxlifetime lifetime 1440
The session lifetime 1440 means at least 24 minutes can pass between a interaction (mouseclick to move forward). The session is marked for deletion after 24 minutes. It can take additional time before the session is actually removed. But 24min is granted.
Is your survey on one page? Or group-by-group? 24 minutes per page should be long enough for many cases.
Thank you for your reply, but from the php info I can see that the session.gc_maxlifetime is already set to 1440 - is there somewhere to set this in the source code?
I have "Enable token-based response persistence:" - am I reading it correctly - will this stop the survey from timing out?
I'm aware that your php.ini is currently set to 1440.
You only mention that people are hit by expired sessions. But we don't know if they are hit by the 24min limit. There are e.g. survey, where people fill out surveys during work and get interrupted be phone.
In such a case I would raise the sessiontime to a higer value.
You stated that you don't use tokens. If you enable token-based response persistence, people can access the survey via token. The session will be deleted after timeout, but the respondent can enter the survey again via token.