Hello, I have an new instance of LimeSurvey 2.72.5 With PostgreSQL 9.3, but I have some problems.
In database System do all tables in public schema, but table of single survey create on own schema.
I attach my error in search (ErrorSearch.docx).
These is the log on database:
ERROR: relation "lime_users" does not exist at character 15
FROM "lime_users"
ERROR: operator does not exist: integer ~~ unknown at character 243
HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.
STATEMENT: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "lime_questions" "t" LEFT OUTER JOIN "lime_groups" "groups" ON ("t"."gid"="groups"."gid") AND ("t"."language"="groups"."language") WHERE ((((t.sid='691552') AND (t.language='es')) AND (t.parent_qid='0')) AND (groups.gid LIKE '%1%'))
ERROR: relation "lime_tokens_142367" already exists
STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE "lime_tokens_142367" (
"tid" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
"participant_id" character varying (50) ,
"firstname" character varying (150) ,
"lastname" character varying (150) ,
"email" text,
"emailstatus" text,
"token" character varying (35) ,
"language" character varying (25) ,
"blacklisted" character varying (17) ,
"sent" character varying (17) DEFAULT 'N',
"remindersent" character varying (17) DEFAULT 'N',
"remindercount" integer DEFAULT 0,
"completed" character varying (17) DEFAULT 'N',
"usesleft" integer DEFAULT 1,
"validfrom" timestamp,
"validuntil" timestamp,
"mpid" integer
Maybe is a Bug! Someone could help me please?
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