I want to send basic admin notification email to main (admin's email) and second's admin email.
Survey with tokens, I have changed attribute_1 to second's admin email.
For different tokens might be different second's admin emails.
How can I do that?
The confirmation email then goes to the first admin (always) and to the second, depending on the entered email-adress in the attribute field in the token list.
Last edit: 7 years 3 months ago by socius. Reason: Corrected my answer
Hi socius,
when I put {ADMINEMAIL};{ATTRIBUTE_1} into "Send basic admin notification email to:" neither first nor second email doesn't come to me...
second version: name@domain.com;{ATTRIBUTE_1} just first email comes...
glad it finally works! Sorry for misleading you with [strike]{ATTRIBUTE_1}[/strike] instead of {TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_1} and thanks to @Joffm for correcting this