I need to implement a solution where a multi choice - checkbox answers are removed based on an answer from a previous question so:
Previous question is a dropdown select a country:
Code: UK - text: United Kingdom
FR - text: France
PT - text: Portugal
The next question is a multi choice check box:
Code: UK01 - text: Ansenal FC
Code: UK02 - text: Chelsea FC
Code: UK03 - text: Tottenham FC
Code: FR01 - text: Monaco FC
Code: FR02 - text: PSG FC
Code: FR03 - text: Lyon FC
The solution is to hide/remove...
Code: FR01 - text: Monaco FC
Code: FR02 - text: PSG FC
Code: FR03 - text: Lyon FC
from the multi choice check items when UK - United kingdom is selected in previous question.
I have included this script in the source code for question 2:
var countryCode = '{INSERTANS:544942X22X666.NAOK}'.substr(0, 2).toUpperCase();
var q1ID = $('#question{QID}');
$('input.checkbox', q1ID).each(function(i) {
// Find the answer code and value
var ansCode = $(this).attr('name');
var chkCode = ansCode.substr(ansCode.length - 5);
if(chkCode.substr(0, 2) = countryCode){
just to add:
IMO the easiest way is always the "out of the box" solution.
And even if your multiple quetion has 200 subquestions, it is not too time consuming doing this by copy-paste.
And if it is even longer, remember the column limits.
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