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After installation and change password, error 504 Gateway Time-out

  • guest_666
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7 years 3 months ago #160380 by guest_666
Hi LimeSurvey Team,

I have two machine, one with limesurvey2.71.1+170927 and other with Mysql 5.x database.

- The instalation was succesfully, the system send me a mail and I decided change the password.

- My problem is when I will login with "admin" user the server respond "504 Gateway Time-out", this is because LimeSurvey spend 127 ms to authetificate (with LimeSurvey Internal database). I can see the dashboard panel when i refresh three or four times with F5.

- The server LimeSurvey and Mysql permit all traffic with themselves and in Mysql log server don't report any problem. Comment: other applications that use this same server has never reported any problem.

- User "admin" have all permissions need to create, search and modify.

- I active the debug mode in level 1 and 2, but I can't see any problem.

- If I create a new user in (LimeSurvey Internal database) with "admin" user, the new user recived a new mail with new password and the connection is fast and OK but when I decided to change a new password, have the same problem this new user. Another time the system respond "504..." and the same errors.

It's is a possible error file LimeSurvey?
It's is a possible change any parameter?
Any ideas?

Best Wishes
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7 years 3 months ago #160396 by jelo
Are the two servers in the same network? Or are there proxies in between?
Has the setup LS/separate MySQL server every worked flawless? Or is this a fresh setup which showed timeouts from the beginning. Are currently other php applications accessing the mysql server from the same webserver as LS?

I would install a separate fresh LS (newest version) and use a separate database to have a experimental setup. That way you can see if possible bugs in LS caused the issue and are now fixed.
And you can compare settings over time with two separate installations.

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7 years 3 months ago #160398 by guest_666
Hello jelo, thank for you respond, I will answer your questions.

Are the two servers in the same network? Or are there proxies in between?

- Yes, the servers are in the same network. No proxy interrup the connections between the servers.

Has the setup LS / separate MySQL server every flawless worked? Or is this a fresh setup which showed timeouts from the beginning.

- Yes, the configuration LS / Mysql worked separately.
- This timeouts begining when I change the "admin" password for the first time.

Are currently other php applications accessing the mysql server from the same webserver as LS?

- No, other applications accessing the mysql server from other webservers.
The webserver LimeSurvey install is alone.

I would install a separate fresh LS (newest version) and use a separate database to have an experimental setup. That way you can see if possible bugs in LS caused the issue and are now fixed.
And you can compare settings over time with two separate installations.

- Great idea, but is not possible at now other fresh LS.

Best Wishes
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7 years 3 months ago #160442 by jelo

guest_666 wrote: - Great idea, but is not possible at now other fresh LS.

I don't understand.

Just download LS and install LS from scratch beside your current LS installation.
Why should that not be possible?

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7 years 3 months ago #160613 by guest_666
Hi jelo,

No problem, the solution about this problem is in this threads


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