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Since LimeSurvey is only running when triggering a php-page you might just disable access to LimeSurvey scripts to see if the peaks are gone. You would need to wait till you no longer have a running, active survey.dirk999 wrote: I'm having a problem with excessive CPU usage occurring about every hour, sometimes a few times in a row (e.g. 5:56, 6:04, 6:08 and then 7:01).
LimeSurvey CAN NOT trigger something at regular interval, because server didn't add CRON itself …dirk999 wrote: … might be some sort of process that Limesurvey triggers at regular intervals…
You get the same behavior if someone is monitoring the survey installation from a external site. E.g. Screenscraping the surveylist. So checking for cron jobs AND checking logfiles of webaccess might show the source of CPU peak. Depending on the server setup (hardware virtualization, RAID-Controller or filesystem check routines) might be worth a look too. What kind of hosting is used? Shared hosting, virtual server, dedicated server?DenisChenu wrote: if it's really every hour at same minutes : i's a cron job set by you or your hoster.