We have a survey that we use repeatedly with minor question changes (open, no tokens). To facilitate this, we create a new survey each time by copying the last survey. We then alter some of the questions, activate the survey and send it to our members. However, we are getting a number of complaints from users of Chrome (Windows/Linux and Mac).The user fills in the first group of questions, clicks next and the page reloads the first group, with no answers filled in. If, when filling in the first group of questions, the user misses a questions, they get the expected popup and error message about a required field not filled in. We've tried different templates and re-installing LimeSurvey. The only way to get the survey to work in Chrome for these users is if they access the survey in Incognito mode, or by wiping out all cookies for the site the survey is installed on. Other browsers work fine on the same survey (Firefox, Safari, Edge). I can replicate the issue here as well.
Is there some trick to getting a Survey to work, that is made from a copy?
- None of our groups have conditions set on them that I can see.
- About the only trouble shooting I can figure out to do is looking at the POST request differences between Chrome normal usage and Chrome Incognito mode. Most notably, they YII_CSRF_TOKEN is very different:
Chrome normal mode token looks like this:
< YII_CSRF_TOKEN:56257410797c2a64b39944d39e6e2fffd01ff4e5
Chrome incognito mode token looks like this:
> YII_CSRF_TOKEN:VmNGYk2WWVRDVmxXcXpybmZvRVRveVJkalFucW0yU3eD_TJJWE3W_2gwWxYnPzbxg0pom6DM9YuTEDyO-bFlsQ==
Any suggestions would most helpful. Happy to send the link out if someone wants to look.
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