hi, we are curently in the process of migrating from version 2.06+ 151215 to 2.67.2+ 170719. This is my first time posting so i'm not sure in wich thread this goes as i haven't found anything related to my issue on forums yet.
Everything works wonder for now but one of my backend user noticed one 'feature' is missing.
When the backend user goes to responses and statistics, on the line where you can choose how many responses you can view per page, there was a button that allowed you to select wich column is shown or not for them, but its not there anymore. I told them to just filter it with the exportation tool, but sometimes they just want to use it in that page without having to export data.
So since i can't find it, can ayone help me there ? is there an alternative ? did i just make a mistake during my update ? or was it just simply removed
here are the pictures, i circled in red the 'colchooser' i am talking about from the older version. in the newer version there should be something next to the text in french