We downloaded LimeSurvey Version 2.67.1 a couple weeks ago and now want to upgrade to LimeSurvey CE with ComfortUpdates. However, we signed up for the free one month trial and when we went to "ComfortUpdate" from the LimeSurvey admin interface, we get an error saying that the PHP_CURL library is not loaded. When we try to enter a key at "Manage your key", we also get an error message. (Both error messages I have attached to the post).
We enabled PHP_CURL on WAMP 2.2 and the error messages remained.
Is this the correct way to add a ComfortUpdate key? If so, what should we be changing for it to work? We are thinking of purchasing the 12 month version of LimeSurvey CE in the future.
Hi, thanks for the reply! Could you please clarify what you mean by production system? We have installed LimeSurvey and are hosting surveys on our own server via WAMP.
Production system: A system that is used in real production, real surveys, etc.
XAMPP and WAMP and those kind of packages are, afaik, built for local testing environments, rather than real production server environments. Generally they are often not built with the necessary security precausions. If you have an experienced server admin, he/she can for sure make it production ready. But generally, the experienced server admins that I know would rather set up a system from scratch than using something like XAMP or WAMP.