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How can i change the language of an participant?

7 years 6 months ago #157469 by edv

when i add a participant i can not set a language.
I have Version 2.63.1+170305 installed on a Debian System.
After exporting participants as CSV and importing in another system with the same version they all have "English" as language. I can not find an oportunity in the GUI to change that.
Do i have mysql to do that?

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7 years 6 months ago #157470 by Joffm
Hello, edv,
which language did your exported participants have?

Are you sure the language code was included in the uploaded file?


I just exported some participants, changed their language code and imported again.
All was fine.

So, best you export your participants and import them again with their specific language code.

Best regards

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7 years 6 months ago #157481 by edv
Hello Joffm,

thanks for your reply.
The language field in the export csv-file was empty, because there is no opportunity to insert this info in the GUI.
But i used your suggestions, exported the participants, changed the language code and imported all again.
Thanks for your help.

Best regards
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7 years 6 months ago #157483 by Joffm
Hello, edv,

when i add a participant i can not set a language.

there is no opportunity to insert this info in the GUI.

This is strange.
How does your GUI look like?
Inserting new participants I see the following (screenshot)
Well, it's German, but you will see.

Best regards

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7 years 6 months ago #157485 by edv
Hello Joffm,

thanks again for your quick answer.
From the screenshot i realized that you add participants from the menu of the survey.
And i found out, that there is that field where its possible to change the language.
Until now we added participants directly from Config -> CPDB -> "add participant", where some of the attributes are not shown.
I thought i had RTFM, but i didnt realized that difference in the GUI.
Thanks again for your help!

Best regards
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