Mobile vs. PC on the first sight. But you use browsers on every platform and they might behave differently with different settings.
I experienced this kind of issue with LimeSurvey when using more than one installation of LimeSurvey.
When using a subdomain you always have separate cookie sessions, but with a sub-directory there is only cookie session in LimeSurvey. To me it looks like the "portal" and LimeSurvey are using the same cookiename, which is overwritten in the browser. Perhaps the portal-application is using the Yii framework too. Difficult to diagnose without watching sessions/cookies in a browser while logging in. But the subdomain vs. subdirectory behavior is a strong indication that changing the name of a cookie/session name might be the solution.
Depending on how the session files are stored it is possible that the sessions files are overwritten on the serverside. If the user portal is using PHP as well, it might help to check where the session files are saved and ensure that different locations are used to prevent overwriting of session files.