I am trying to install LimeSurvey on PostgresSQL, on a different schema, called 'limesurvey', than the default 'public' schema.
I went into create-pgsql.sql file and set the search_path = limesurvey. This populates the 'limesurvey' schema on the database with all the tables correctly during installation.
The problem is when tries to create the admin log-in on the 'Addition Options' during installation. At first, it was creating a second lime_sessions table on the 'public' schema, with the table-based sessions activated. I changed the creation of config.php so that table-based session is uncommented when the installation is run.
So I changed the $autoCreateSessionTable to false, in the CDbHttpSession.php. This stopped creating the second lime_sessions table in the 'public' schema. However, now the queries that are run during installation cannot find 'lime_sessions' table. It's trying to look for it in the 'public' schema, instead of the 'limesurvey' schema where it actually is.
I also changed the DEFAULT_SCHEMA to 'limesurvey' in CPgsqlSchema.php and it still gives an error. It is trying to look for the lime_sessions table for LSYii_Application.php functions, and it can't find it.
Any ideas?
PS: I believe the problem might be that when it does a db connection ($db) it goes to the default 'public' schema, rather than the new 'limesurvey' schema. This is just my guess.