From within R I am trying to get export_responses working on my RStudio on Windows10
There are some things that go wrong:
- One of my surveys is quite big: about 80.000 responses with 155 variables. I cannot read that, it resulted in an error message: Error: parse error: premature EOF. Another large survey (32000 repondents) I could read though.
- OK, I thought to be clever and restrict the output by ID using iFromResponseID = 0 and iToResponseID = 200, but this does not work, even when I try it on another survey, where I can read all responses. It results in no output at all. Quoting or unquoting the integers makes no difference.
- Then I thought I would restrict the output by fields, using aFields=list("id", "datestamp"), but this does nothing: when using it on another survey, I just get all fields
My questions are:
- Where lies the bottleneck in the number of responses that LimeSurvey can spit up? Is it in the server, LimeSurvey or in my computer?
- Do I do something wrong in using
<iFromResponseID = 0 and iToResponseID = 200>
or did I run into a bug?
- Is it possible to restrict the fields I want to retrieve and how. What is wrong in my code?
- when you retrieve by ID, will it use the ID as it is in the response table or another internal ID?
Used code:
params = list (iSurveyID=284265,
iFromResponseID = "0",
iToResponseID = "116",
sCompletionStatus= "complete",
sHeadingType = "code",
sResponseType = "short",
aFields = list("id", "datestamp"))))