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How are saved the answers with the "Finish Later"?

  • jeanbaptisteLedig
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7 years 10 months ago #152297 by jeanbaptisteLedig
How are saved the answers with the "Finish Later"? was created by jeanbaptisteLedig

I'm developing a LimeSurvey application, and I would like to know how are store / save responses when using the "Finish Later" button in a survey?
I do not see a cookie appear, nor table in my database. I also disable cookies in general settings of the survey.

Do you have an idea ? It's important for me to have that information.

Thank you,
Have a good day !
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7 years 10 months ago #152315 by Joffm
Hi, jeanbaptisteLedig

the answers are stored as usual in the table "lime_survey_[surveyID].
The user who decided to continue later is stored in "lime_saved_control".

Best regards

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7 years 10 months ago #152323 by jeanbaptisteLedig
Replied by jeanbaptisteLedig on topic How are saved the answers with the "Finish Later"?
Hello Joffm,

Thank you for you answer.

I understand that the answers are stored in a table in the database, but, when I re-log in to the survey, my browser must know I'm the token number XXXXX, will which recover the answers from the database.
Do you understand what I'm saying ? Sorry for my English, aha

Have a nice day.
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  • holch
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7 years 10 months ago #152344 by holch
If a respondent choses "Finish later", they need to register an email, as far as I know (never used the feature) and there should be a link to "their" survey.

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7 years 10 months ago #152345 by jeanbaptisteLedig
Replied by jeanbaptisteLedig on topic How are saved the answers with the "Finish Later"?

When I try to "Finish Later" a survey, they don't ask me to enter my email.
They save my answers, and quit the page. When I close my browser, and return on the survey, my answer are here.
So there is something somewhere.. but I don't know what ?
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7 years 10 months ago #152347 by holch
Well, if you are using tokens, then you might not have to give an email (not sure, as I said I never use this). With tokens there is an option of "token based answer persistence". So if you open the link with the token, your previous answers are still there and you will start on the page where you left the survey.

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Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
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7 years 10 months ago #152349 by jeanbaptisteLedig
Replied by jeanbaptisteLedig on topic How are saved the answers with the "Finish Later"?
I understand what you say, but even if I return on the survey without the token on the URL, the survey display my old answers..
I'm really lost. Thank you anyway for your help
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7 years 10 months ago #152373 by Joffm
maybe we are a bit confused.
Do you use tokens or not?
Do you use "token based answer persistence"?

If this is not used, the respondent is asked for credentials to be able to continue later.
If "token based answer persistence" is used, the respondent has to enter his token again.

So, please, explain your survey settings.

What you see, happens if you start the survey out of the system.

And of course empty your cache between two attempts.

Best regards

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7 years 10 months ago #152382 by jeanbaptisteLedig
Replied by jeanbaptisteLedig on topic How are saved the answers with the "Finish Later"?

I found the solution, I can explain that :
First, I use tokens, I use "token based answer persistence", but I deactivated the cookies for "Enable cookies to avoid repeated entries:"
Now, why the survey display my old answer when I use a default URL and no cookie and so on..? There is a variable called "PHPSESSID", and the survey use this variable to detected the participant.

Thank you for your help !

Have a nice day.
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