Hi there,
Running Lime 2.55.3+161111 on Redhat 2.55 and PHP 5.5 and I'm having issues with "the asset to be published does not exist" error.
Specifically it's The asset "/apps/lime/test/third_party/bootstrap-switch" to be published does not exist. I have checked the third_party folder and it has universal read access and apache has owner access. Checking the latest limesurvey version no files are missing from third_party/bootstrap_switch either.
I get this error when trying to create a new survey or even update the global settings. I thought it may have something to do with my appearance settings but I've changed the default template back to default and the admintheme back to the default Sea Green and it still occurs. Any thoughts on what may be causing this issue?
Resolved it, though I don't know the exact issue. Updated to 2.59.1 and reviewed the folder permissions as defined in the manual and everything's working as it should.