For the first time, I'm trying to export the results of my questionnaire to SPSS.
I'm able to Export Data. Trying to Export Syntax I get a message that it is not possible to access the site: ...lime/index.php/admin/export/sa/exportspss/sid/XXXXXX
I checked and I do not have a SPSS plugin.
I'm working with the last stable version of Lime Survey.
I updated to LimeSurvey to the last version. I'm able to Export Data. I only get the message for the Export Syntax. It happens to the pilot survey also.
I still get the message:
"File not found
Firefox can’t find the file at ......
Check the file name for capitalization or other typing errors.
Check to see if the file was moved, renamed or deleted."
How can I solve the problem? Thanks so much.
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I checked and the memory limite is set to 128M. I changed it to 256M, and the problem remains.
I've a test implementation of LimeSurvey, and when I import the survey to it, I'm able to Export both, Data and Syntax. Is there something went wrong by one of the updates? I don't know. It is strange, as I update both implementations in equal form.
Please, where am I supposed to change the debug (i'm not very techny save, as you already got it.).
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Thanks. Yes, the problem is that my phd advisor is a "purist".
I've to solve the issue as soon I'll have to make the next study and everything should be working.
It is not easy: I saw the forest (limesurvey) but not the tree (config.php). But I found it.
Changed debug to 1 (it was set to 2) and I was able to Explort Syntax.
Thanks so much.
Except if your thesis is related with the art of importing data into SPSS or if you have to edit for special needs the syntax file, there are no good reasons to waste too much time with the import process because the result after importation is pretty the same. NO pure or not ways... just working or not process. There are plenty of posts in this forum about SPSS export files related issues.... some past or recent LS versions have issues with SPSS file some other versions no.
Just set debug=1 and you are able to export syntax ????
Arg ... didn't understand here .....
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I'm going to try to explain. I was able to Export Data to SPSS. I only got the error message about the site not found when I tried the button "Export Syntax".
Checked the Memory Limit: 128M; Changed it to 256M, but problem was still there.
The next step was to change in Config.php debug=1 (it was set to 2). After that, I was able to make the Export Data, no error message anymore and the file was downloaded.
Why? That I don't know why. I don't understand what I did, only know that it solved the problem.
Up to the experts.