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Assistance on LimeSurvey forum and LimeSurvey core development are on my free time.
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Ok. Here it goes the Plugin Config > Core: LDAP authentication
Ldap server : ldap://99.999.999.999
Port number : 389
LDAP version : LDAPv3
Enable Start-TLS : Off
Select how to perform authentication : Simple bind (I've changed)
Username prefix : cn=Lime Survey,cn=Users,dc=aa,dc=bb
Username suffix : *
Check to male defautl authentication method : uncheck
Invalid credentials
PS: Sorry, the version is: LimeSurvey : 2.58.0+170104
Why don't you add the @your.domain.example.intra : there are always one in AD.
I'm not sure Username prefix work. There are a feature request about extra filter in LDAP plugin.
Assistance on LimeSurvey forum and LimeSurvey core development are on my free time.
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And remind : with Simple Bind : User need an existing account in LimeSUrvey : you need to create it manually before offering LS access, then no need extra settings.
Assistance on LimeSurvey forum and LimeSurvey core development are on my free time.
I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH member. -
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