I am quite new with Limesurvey. I have installed the software on a Linux server, and it mostly works. But I cannot perform site administration. I have an "admin" user, and can login with this, but this user has no special privileges. I have followed the instructions at
, and I think my problem may be due to the fact that limesurvey-users are authorized based on their known user names and passwords on the server.
Seems there are an issue on smeserver-limesurvey , not in LimeSurvey.
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I think you are right. Is there anything I can do now, in order to give myself or another user superadmin-privileges? Right now, the users table has this content:
mysql> select * from users;
| uid | users_name | password | full_name | parent_id | lang | email | htmleditormode | templateeditormode | questionselectormode | one_time_pw | dateformat | created | modified |
I believed I found a way to give an existing user superadmin-rights, using MySQL:
mysql> insert into permissions (entity, entity_id, uid, permission, read_p) values ('global', 0, 1, 'superadmin', 1);
In this example, I update the permissions for the user with uid = 1 to include the superadmin-permission.