I've developed a template for limesurvey 2.05+. Recently I upgraded to version 2.56.1. One of the features that seems to have been lost is the ability to display questionhelp. This is the generic text that used to appear immediately below the question wording. Using the very same survey, I can switch back to old template, and questionhelp appears. But using the new standard template, questionhelp fails to appear.
When I click edit question > advanced > display > "Hide Tip", the button does not appear to have any effect one way or the other during question preview. I took a look at the html window, and I see that the phrase...
<span class="questionhelp">Check any that apply</span>
...is missing. This suggests it is not an issue with css formatting. But without the normal user control, or the more advanced css control, I'm at a loss how to fix it.
How can I get the new standard template to enable questionhelp?