For version 2.05/2.06/2.6.2 only.
Does not work on version 2.5x
Tools for Research just released a new version of their free responsive template for the older versions of LimeSurvey.
Please visit
for more details.
No spectacular new features, just some minor improvements.
Why did we not develop something for the most recent release of LimeSurvey?
In February of this year, LimeSurvey released a completely new version of LimeSurvey. The most relevant changes were:
- New administrative interface. Unfortunately this was in our opinion a set back from earlier versions. After some time the team at LS agreed on making several improvements, some of which are still in development as of today. We think that this may develop into something good, but as compared to the previous version (2.05/2.06), we think that the current administrative user interface (A-UI) in 2.06/2.6.2 is still better than what is available in 2.5x now.
- Other structure for templates. This made our custom template (TFR Responsive) unusable in the new version 2.5x of LimeSurvey. This summer we discussed this with the development team. This resulted in a near complete overhaul of the HTML structure of the output of LimeSurvey (what the respondent sees). This action was co-ordinated by Denis Chenu, who worked day and night on this. At a recent meeting of the development team it was decided to postpone all this excellent work. But for a good reason: the development team wants to build in the TWIG engine, thereby making custom templates easier.
Once the integration is ready, I guess the LimeSurvey developers will be happy to write something about the implications here on the LimeSurvey website (or in the manual, or both...)
What is this of use for you?
If you are using our template in 2.06/2.6.2 and want to keep using it: do not upgrade to the newest version. LimeSurvey 2.6.2 (available when you use the comfortupdate solution) is very stable and offers nearly everything that is in LimeSurvey 2.5x.
Our template offers an excellent user experience and will do so until we develop a new version for 3.0 of LimeSurvey.
Currently developing a version for 2.5x is not worth the trouble, because between each update there are too many changes and we cannot develop a version of our template that will work on all versions (builds) that have been released.
Our recommendation:
- If you are working on version 2.06 or 2.6.2 keep it that way, but take care to always use the most recent version that is available. Comfortupdate will help you with that.
- If you are working with version 2.5x and are happy with it, keep it that way.
- If you are working with version 2.5x and still want to use our template: either downgrade to version 2.6.2, of wait until Spring!
- If you want your own customised version of our template: contact us.
- Whatever version you want to use: use the comfortupdate, it will save you (and the support people) a lot of time!