Also, a start build number would have been useful to help you.
We have many people who updated from 2.05 version to 2.50 without any problem. But, not so many people use MSSQL (and they're right). So maybe it's MSSQL bug in the DB upgrade process.
Knowing that 2.05 versions start with a db_version of 168, to find what went wrong, all the updates of permissions for db version superior to 168 should be checked.
You're lucky: I just did that work, and there is only one update of the permission table since 2.05, for db version 172:
case 'mssql':
try{ setTransactionBookmark(); $oDB->createCommand()->dropIndex('permissions_idx2','{{permissions}}');} catch(Exception $e) { rollBackToTransactionBookmark(); };
try{ setTransactionBookmark(); $oDB->createCommand()->dropIndex('idxPermissions','{{permissions}}');} catch(Exception $e) { rollBackToTransactionBookmark(); };
alterColumn('{{permissions}}', 'entity_id', "INTEGER", false);
This piece of code probably went wrong on your server for some reason (MSSQL version?)
So just relaunch it, and you should be fine.