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Can I change question text based on passed parameter?

  • blocka
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8 years 3 months ago #144366 by blocka
We run a couple of workshops, and we'd like to collect survey data what people think of the workshop.
We have a few questions that have the same text, irrespective of the workshop, and a number of questions where we'd like to include the name of the workshop, along with maybe a few other textual changes.

My thinking is to pass the name of the workshop in the survey URL, and have the value saved to a hidden field (so later we can filter responses by workshop). I'm hazarding a guess that using Javascript, I could modify the text of relevant questions by checking the value of the value in the hidden field, so I could replace a few inline tokens with the text I need for each question.

So I could have a question like:
Would you recommend {workshopname} to your {target}?

and if the hidden field value was Falcon Training, I could display the question as:
Would you recommend Falcon Training to your friends?

or if the hidden field value was Help the Elderly, I could display the question as:
Would you recommend Help the Elderly to your children?

Can anyone confirm if this is possible, and perhaps give an example of how to write the Javascript?
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  • Joffm
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8 years 3 months ago - 8 years 3 months ago #144369 by Joffm
Hi, blocka,
you do not need javascript.
Everything is there.

1. Your workshopname.
The name is passed in the url, e.g. www.limesurvey.com/lime/...../lang=en ?wn=Workshop1
In the first hidden question (wn) (e.g. short text) you insert in the questiontext {wn}, to grab the workshopname.

2. Your target
If the target depends on an answer of a question Q2 like

you enter in the question text
Would you recommend {wn} to your {Q2.shown}?
Would you recommend {wn} to your {if(Q2==1,"friends",if(Q2==2,"children","colleagues"))}?

Depends on the way you calculate the target.

sample attached

Best regards

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Last edit: 8 years 3 months ago by Joffm. Reason: Typo
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