clix wrote: It seems like the session cookie expires far too quickly. On most other accounts, such as Google, I am logged in until I log out, but it's not the case with LimeSurvey, and I'd like to change it.
The session is controlled by php and saved as a file or in a database (depending on your settings in limesurvey). Default the session file is saved as a textfile in the session directory. The cookie PHPSESSID is only storing the sessionfile id, not the session data itself.
To change the lifetime of these sessions, you need to change or override the php.ini setting "session.gc_maxlifetime"
Default lifetime is 1440seconds. That means that the session is at least 1440 sec. long. The sessions are allowed to be destroyed by the garbagecollector. The gc_maxlifetime is a misleading name.
The whole session configuration in php is quite big.
But in most cases just raise gc_maxlifetime. Raising limits via the LimeSurvey config file can be done afterwards.