I am having an issue with one of project I set up as open link. Yesterday, it was changed automatically to closed link / group so we received a lot of complaints from respondent asking about token to use to complete the survey.
I deactivated and then re-activated the survey the survey again and chose the open link again, and this seems to work fine.
But today, it has been changed to close group again for some reason. I tried to find the setting to prevent this from happenning but I couldn't find it.
Never experienced such a behavior.
What version/build of LimeSurvey is used?
What PHP version is used?
What database version is used?
Are you the only user of the LimeSurvey installation?
A token table does not create itself. Someone else must be doing it.
You should change passwords of all administration users and see if that resolves it.
I agree with sometime, it is highly unlikely that this happened just out of the blue. I wouldn't want to rule it out completely, because you never know. But I think we should search elsewhere first.
Who has acess to the admin of your installation?
Who has acess to this specific survey?
Where is your installation hosted?
Help us to help you!
Provide your LS version and where it is installed (own server, uni/employer, SaaS hosting, etc.).
Always provide a LSS file (not LSQ or LSG).
Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
It is actually set to open mode and it was changed to closed twice already. It hasn't happened again so far although I haven't made any changes to the survey, other than deactivated it and re-activated it again.
When the survey changed into closed mode, the first page showed that the survey is in closed mode and to continue, a token is needed. That's why people then starting emailing asking about the token to complete the survey.
There are 1000+ in-completes with 850+ completes in the survey so far. Could it be the survey switch to close mode because it has too many hit in one point in time?