Somehow the upgrade from 2.05 to 2.50 touched the " Use LDAP authentication" selection for some people.
I'm looking for a way to repair it from the database end.
It looks like I need auth_ldap permission in lime_permissions set with read_p as '1'.
Some users have the auth_ldap record, and others don't, so a simple update command doesn't fix all.
How can I walk through the userids over some minimum value and insert the right sequence for each?
This is in postgres.
I have seen a legacy user who has the Global Permission checked for "Use LDAP authentication" on the admin web page. Yet searching on all settings in lime_permissions table for their uid, I do not see a row with "auth_ldap". New users set up on the system do have auth_ldap permission added. What is the other value in the backend which can cause "Use LDAP authentication" to be switched on? The example I saw with the option checked yet not via the DB value for auth_ldap had over one hundred of lime_permissions values. So it is hard to guess what does it.
OK, no one provided info on how the LDAP was selected for some users already while they did not have the record in lime_permissions table for auth_ldap (I am typing this in lower case and the forum software is changing it to uppercase).
My solution was to make a Unix shell script which generated lines like this:
insert into lime_permissions (entity_id,uid,permission,read_p,entity) values ('0', '254', 'auth_ldap', '1', 'global');
The uid (254 in example) was a variable in a shell script for loop. Then I read that file into psql with \i filename.
In a legacy user which already had LDAP checked in the user interface but did not have the matching attribute in lime_permissions table, adding the new row didn't hurt authentication.