New user alert! I'm finding my way around
2.51.0+160829 on debian jessie.
I want to set an include in application/config/config.php to point at a non world-readable location as outlined in
security hints
but I'm wondering if the advice on hardcoding paths is out-of-date --
basePath and
runtimePath be set and, if so, where (I'm assuming that they're not part of the $config array)?
The third change -
urlManager - doesn't show "require('routes.php')" so is the change still relevant?
The two things I can see that look like they *might* need attention are in
config-defaults.php ...
$config['rootdir'] = getcwd();
$config['publicurl'] = '/' (or Yii::app()->baseUrl . '/')
The install appears to be working without the suggested changes but it's early days.
Can the three changes be safely ignored? Any advice appreciated. Tx.