Hello all,
I am currently working on some plugins for limesurvey and I have some issues on that

I try to add an input type date on the survey properties "General settings and texts" but I couldn't found the 'type' to refer ...
$event->set("surveysettings.{$this->id}", array(
'name' => "Test date name",
'settings' => array(
'testDateId' => array(
'type' => '?????', // I've tried stuff like 'datetimepicker', 'date', 'time', 'datetime', ...
'label' => 'Test date label :',
'current' => $this->get('message', 'Survey', $event->get('survey'))
And I also want to override some settings like "Allow backward navigation" to change its default value with the plugin. (so settings overrided can be desactivated easly). But I don't have any idea on how to do that and I don't found anything on the documentation (I assume that's because I am not confident with Limesurvey plugins developpement).
Thanks for your advices.