Recently upgraded via Softacolus to V2.50+ build 160728. I want to change font/colour/etc of the Answer Options. Go to Edit Answer option - highlight the text, click the pen to start HTML editor in popup window - but nothing happens. Have tried all 3 options [inline/popup/etc] in global setting - but nothing changes.
What am I doing wrong?
Which browser do you use? Have you tried a different browser to test? Did you empy your cache?
Unfortunately it can be a little problematic when LS is installed via a third party app. No one (maybe besides the provider itself, if you are lucky ) knows what they do to the software when they include it into their installer app. Previously some of those "1 click installer" services modified installation routines to fit with their system, which then of course can also lead to problems.
The Limesurvey installation process is so simple that I would always recommend to install a "vanilla" Limesurvey. Then there is the comfort upgrade, which costs some money but is really worth considering, as it makes things quite a bit easier (I am not affiliated with the Limesurvey GmbH and I am not earning any money with this).
But let's first see if emptying the cache / using a different browser helps.
Help us to help you!
Provide your LS version and where it is installed (own server, uni/employer, SaaS hosting, etc.).
Always provide a LSS file (not LSQ or LSG).
Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
Hi, mark,
In the changelog Changes from 2.50+ (build 160728) to 2.50+ (build 160731) Aug 1, 2016
there is -Fixed issue: Extended editor not working on answeroptions (markusfluer)
Maybe this solves your problem.
BTW: There was a bug report about this issue #11488
Best regards
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